According to recent survey, 72% of test subjects have had at least one positive experience with casual sex. That means that you’ll score at least once out of ten times you try. With such high odds working in your favor, the chances are that your casual escapades will eventually turn out to be quite positive experiences.
There’s a range of different studies showing that internet users are prone to having casual sex with people they’ve met randomly or friends they know for a long time. Let’s clear the obvious out of the way – 2021 is the year of casual sex, plain and simple.
The reasons for this being so are many. The majority of people are simply drawn to exploring sexual adventures and fantasies with total strangers they met online.
Whether it’s a casual hook up, sex with no strings attached, sex with friends with benefits or a one night stand, people are just enchanted with the simple notion that all they need to have sex nowadays is a device and an internet connection.
Since online dating has become a culture, people learned a lot about it and how to cope with the negative stigma that’s still present in the world of casual dating. We’re going to mention how casual sex positively reflects on your wellbeing, as well as how it can benefit you.
Casual Sex and Your Wellbeing
No one is quite sure how casual sex came to be, but the world is surely grateful for it. Aside from the morality of it all and social stigma that is diminishing as the years go by, casual dating sites are literally booming, gathering millions of members each month.
Despite being somewhat emotionally challenging and physically risky, people simply can’t resist the thrill of hitting the sacks with a total stranger. The selection of random partners, strangers, and people you know, is so wide that it’s quite hard to include every choice.
It’s quite enough to say that casual sex went on from being immoral and socially destructive to permeated popular culture and consensual non-monogamy. Nowadays, you can get tips on safely having casual sex, what to do to be more successful, the type of people that are more into casual sex than others, etc.
The truth is that casual sexual escapades have both ups and downs, just like anything in life. Sweet and short flings can do you good, but they can also make you feel lost if you lose track.
There are countless studies on casual sex since the 50s, and all of them point to one undeniable conclusion – casual sex can do wonders for your wellbeing. However, for it to be so, you have to be clear with what you want.
People who often had sex with random strangers reported higher thriving, lower stress, and improved wellbeing. In fact, the more you have casual sex, the less you feel its negative consequences as they give way to the positive aspects.
Casual sex is also referred to as socio-sexuality, and it includes the complete elimination of negative consequences and focusing on the potential benefits.
In the end, it all comes down to the reasons why you want to try socio-sexuality in the first place. These reasons can be either wrong or right. Right reasons mostly include pleasure, enjoyment, fun, and discovering something new about yourself and your own sexuality.
In terms of such reasons, casual sex could help a person gain self-esteem and confidence. On the other hand, wrong reasons range from not thinking enough about it and avoiding unpleasant feelings to feeling better about yourself and doing it for the sake of revenge.

Casual Sex Involves Emotions
It’s wrong to think that casual sex is rid of any emotion, without complications and easy, as it is anything but. However, don’t let this discourage you. Having mixed feelings is well-known aftermath of casual sex, and it’s also a clear sign that sex almost always involves emotions.
If you and your partner in crime set up some ground rules and essential boundaries, you significantly increase your chance of preventing those emotions from getting in your way and tangling you into something unplanned and uncalled for.
On the other hand, those same emotions can turn out to be the beginning of something more profound. The three most important things you have to ascertain before you engage are:
- How to avoid feeling exploited
- How to deal with potential heartache
- How to avoid disappointment
If you can get over these three things, you’re bound for the entirely new world of pleasure that casual sex can unlock for you. There are two more things to worry about, too – avoiding getting drunk before or after a sexual encounter and using a condom.
Now, safe sex practice is an entirely new subject that demands more thorough research, but we can emphasize one thing right now – always wear a condom, no matter what. There’s also one undeniable fact to sink into – the appearance of smartphones is one of the biggest causes of the rise of mobile dating apps.
These apps allow the user to match singles near their location by using GPS technology. The best example is Kasual, one of the most popular dating apps for hookups and casual sex. You can find anything that rocks your boat, regardless of whether it is a more serious relationship, a friend with benefits, casual sex, or a hookup date.
Using apps like Kasual is also extremely easy. You simply browse through photos of active members by flipping cards. The app automatically shows you who’s available near your location. With so many options, it’s hard to resist giving casual sex a try. If you’re open to it and feel like you’d love to give it a try, here’s how casual sex can benefit you.
1 Casual Sex Helps You Cope with Regret
A common misconception in the online dating culture is that men are more into casual sex than women. Another one is that women are pressured into it and forced to go along with the rising trend. These are all wrong beliefs. However, it is important who makes the first move and initiates casual sex.
While men feel the natural need to hit on hot women, women are encouraged more to make the first move. In fact, by doing so, women who engage with men for the sake of having casual sex are far less likely to experience any feelings of remorse or regret. Regret is a common problem that both genders feel about encounters that should lead to casual sex.
Getting rid of the feeling of regret about casual sex is essential to feel good about yourself. The more you deal with it, the more you feel confident about initiating contact, sexually competent, and sure of yourself. These high levels of sexual gratification are the best sign that you’re ready to give in.
Many people who want to try the perks of online dating fail at being good at it simply because they’re afraid that who they are or what they like won’t appeal to someone they like. Well, even if that is so, there are always other options. If one person isn’t down with you, someone else will be.
That’s the beauty of it, actually. In other words, the more active and positive you are toward casual sex, the less regret you’ll be dealing with. Your actions are your own, so act on it. If you feel like hitting up on someone, just do it. After all, that’s what online dating sites and apps are for.
2 Casual Sex Makes You Feel Good
Much of your experience with the hookup culture depends on your sociosexual orientation. If your orientation is restricted, going casual on your sexual adventures might not be up your alley.
People with a restricted sociosexual orientation are more into real relationships, emotional intimacy, commitment, and love. But if it’s the other way around, if your orientation is unrestricted, chances are that you’ll enjoy your hookup escapades.
If you want to really enjoy it, you’ll have to feel good about it. Engaging in sex without emotional intimacy, commitment, or love can give you a serious self-esteem boost and do wonders for your mental health.
Aside from all the health benefits of having sex regularly, casual sex helps socio-sexually unrestricted persons gain satisfaction and self-esteem.
It can also help with lowering anxiety that naturally comes from sexual interactions with complete strangers. You must know yourself and your limits, to enjoy your sexual adventures to the fullest.
3 Casual Sex Leads to Incredible Orgasms
Each person is different, with different needs and wants, as well as sexual fetishes, fantasies, and kinks. So much depends on these preferences. However, one of the most important things in casual sex, aside from your wellbeing and health, is your ability to really enjoy a casual hookup.
The only way you’ll know if casual sex is for you or not is if you orgasm. That’s where science takes the wheel once again. According to some studies, women are more prone to not reaching climax than men, while men are more certain to orgasm.
In fact, the research showed that casual sex could lead to achieving incredible orgasms for both women and men. You must understand that hooking up isn’t your average date where things may or may not go as planned.
Hooking up has but one goal – to have sex. If a lack of communication or any other reason keeps you away from achieving that goal, that might mean you’re not ready yet.
However, if you don’t have any of the problems mentioned above, hooking up can lead to the most incredible orgasms of your life. We can tell you one thing for sure – don’t let the studies do your thinking for you. Simply do as you please and allow yourself to truly enjoy it in the first place.
4 No Playing Games
Once you get into the casual mode, there’s no need to worry about whether you should call your partner or not, or about coming across as too kind or keen. Hooking up allows you to relax and work on what you want and need.
This isn’t us saying that you should not be concerned about your casual partner and their feelings. It’s a straightforward deal. You’re just two people having sex, nothing more, nothing less. There’s no need to feel like you should do more.
With no expectations comes greater pleasure. That’s the biggest reason you should know yourself and your limits and set up some ground rules before you initiate.
5 No Responsibilities or Commitment
Hooking up is so great because there’s no commitment or any of the other responsibilities. Just you and your primal instinct, the desire and need. You don’t have to call your partner ever again if you don’t feel like it.
You don’t have to deal with any pressure of meeting their partners, friends, and so on, either. In fact, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with.
Sometimes, you simply don’t feel ready for a relationship. Since you’re only a human, you have needs that need satisfying. The best way to do that is by hooking up for some one-night hot bed action. It can actually lead to a reckoning and realizing what you really need.
If you want to have a good time with casual sex, it’s essential that you fully understand your physical and emotional needs before you engage. It’s only when you’re truly sure of yourself that you’ll get to enjoy your new adventure to the fullest.
If you’re fully confident that this is what you want, hooking up can lead to incredible experiences and a range of incredible benefits that will do wonders for your mental and physical health. It all comes down to how you perceive things.